UVC water disinfection in humidifiers and cooling towers

The University of Wuppertal has installed a UVC disinfection system from UVpro in its cooling tower and was able to achieve high savings.


UV immersion systems disinfect water storage tanks, drip trays, and reservoirs of humidifiers and cooling towers to ensure safe and hygienic water maintenance. These devices prevent the formation of biofilms on tank surfaces. Controlling the risk of Legionella in open water tanks and spray systems is achievable. One way to do this is by installing a system that uses UV power directly in the liquid. This system works in two ways: it disinfects the water with every circulation and prevents the accumulation of biofilms by constantly exposing the surfaces inside the water containers to UV irradiation.

UVpro TS immersion emitter 

The immersion emitters in the UVpro TS device series are designed specifically for this application and seamlessly integrate into existing systems with easy mounting. The units consist entirely of stainless steel and meet protection class IP68.Each water circulation results in a significant reduction in germs, preventing the formation and distribution of legionella by the air washer.

Paint shops do not use silicones to manufacture the devices. A Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation study confirmed the compatibility of paint.

The distribution of germs via the air washer and biofilm formation inside the tank is prevented. 
High savings potential through the elimination of chemicals.

Installation of a UVC system in the cooling tower of the University of Wuppertal 

The University of Wuppertal has installed a UVC disinfection system from UVpro in its cooling tower. The subject of the installation is ten immersion emitter units UVpro TS 40 and a monitoring module UVC-Line 8 with a main switch. The plant’s investment amounts to 9,370€ incl. units, tubes, monitoring module, and installation. 

The installation’s purpose is to eliminate biofilms in the tank and the disinfection effect on the cooling water. To ensure safety, it’s important to prevent the formation and spread of legionella in air washers. Incorporating UVC technology has the potential to eliminate the need for chemical-based cleaning methods in the future, resulting in long-term cost savings for the system.

“I am very satisfied with the system. Since putting the system into operation, all samples have been without any findings, Legionella and CFU have always been below the detection limit. Your UVC system is a perfect fit for my cooling tower.“ 

Joachim Conrad, Department Manager of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wuppertal 


The overall result of the installation is very positive and since the commissioning, there have been no detected germs in the water. Furthermore, we have completely eliminated the use of chemicals, which had an annual cost of approximately €7,000.

Replacing a UVC tube after 12,000 operating hours can save approximately 5,600 € annually when considering the associated costs of tube replacement. The system pays for itself after about 1.5 – 2 years. 

Since implementing the system, all germ counts have been below the detection limit.

Date 10/03/2023


Nuvonic is the innovator in sustainable UV technology for water, air and surface disinfection on a global scale. Our mission is to support nature’s purity with science by protecting people and processes from harmful contamination.

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